Thoughts On A Sunday Night

July 16, 2023 and I am watching the sun go down in our backyard in Georgia. Summer seems to be cruising by and there is no way to slow it down. When up pops a stream of thought that just might be readable. I guess we will find out when I am finished.

Seven billion people on this planet and one sun. It makes me realize that we are all a part of something larger than just our backyard, our job or even our country. To me that brings hope, hope that one day we all realize that being human is a thread of being on the same team. Sure, we all have differences, I just said, hope.

Greed is a sad thing, a sad place to be. I think that it one of the places where we fall off a bit, when greed overtakes a persons life, the human side of them can falter. One thing I know is that we can all get better, at whatever we do or whoever we are, we can get better.

In every one of our Dale Carnegie Programs in which I am the instructor, I tell my participants something I heard as a young athlete, you play like you practice, so practice hard. In essence, our preparation for life should be taken seriously because that is how we live. I mean by preparation, our thoughts. When you spend your energy building positive thoughts in your mind, you may have a more positive outcome.

Lets admit it, the toughest real estate to navigate is that space between our ears, our minds. It really is the first place that we allow fear and doubt to enter, both of those like to take control. Why can’t we replace that with a searing and healthy belief in ourselves? If fear and doubt can so strongly take hold of us, and that is where it begins, just work on replacing it with a strong belief in YOU.

Again, you play how you practice, we need to be diligent in our practice on believing in ourselves.

It seems like fear and doubt impact us quickly. We can be going along just so smoothly and a pang of doubt creeps in and takes over. On the other hand when we have a small little victory we justify it as luck or even something else. It would be better if we were able to celebrate those little victories, an inchworm moving closer to a positive goal. Celebrate, every bit of progress is a win and should be celebrated.

Maybe it is human nature to focus on our losses, maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. It seems that we spend more time on that, the losses. Mr. Carnegie has a principle, count your blessings not your troubles. We can grow from that in our lives, to count our wins and learn from our losses. We need to celebrate our life victories and learn from the times we fail or have a setback. Don’t allow the losses to overrun you, they are fantastic learning tools to study and then cast aside. Keep going in a positive direction.

Winning requires effort, in sports, it also requires teamwork. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and give you encouragement, that also means that you have to encourage others. Yes, you are a part of THEIR team and their journey towards success. We hear often that it is the people that we share life with that we need to choose wisely, be a person that makes someone that chooses you to have made a wise move.

Back in the 1980’s I read a book, The Seeds if Greatness by Dr. Denis Waitley. In the book he talked about the weeds that took over our garden, our minds. Things like anxiety, fear and doubt, plus many others. It prompted me to think about a pesticide, DDT. Something that was thought to be helpful turned out to be harmful and was eventually banned for agricultural use. My terminology of DDT was different.

Dedication Discipline and Tenacity.

My thought was that if we could dedicate ourselves to a purpose, a goal or a projected target, like lets say weight loss. Then we disciplined ourselves to do the things that were necessary to achieve that purpose or goal, whatever those steps were that we needed to do and attacked them with a ferocious tenacity, well we would have a better chance of making them come to fruition.

Take for instance a sales goal. Set the goal, make it reasonable and doable. Then figure out all of the actions you need to take in order to achieve it. The number of calls. The practice of your craft. Your sales pitch. The honing of your skills. All of the items needed in your sales journey. Then discipline yourself to do each one, every one and the practice that goes along with that process. The next step is to attack each one with tenacity. The learning, the doing, the time organization, prospecting, attack them with an enthusiastic tenacity.

Well, it is a thought. DDT. It is better than a half hearted effort.

Like I said an hour ago, not sure if this is readable, maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. Just thoughts that came out of my head watching the sunset on a Sunday night.

I hope that you find something positive here that you can utilize in your world. Just a bit of rambling. Thank you for reading.

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Focus on the Good: Lifting Others Up in Their Lowest Moments

Everyone has their low moments, even us. At times, it’s easy to feel down, lonely, and helpless. In these trying times, it is crucial to support one another and find the good in others, even when it feels impossible. Today we explore ways we can help lift others up when they are at their lowest, and in turn, positively impact each other’s lives.

1. Be a Good Listener

One of the most important things we can do to help someone in their time of need is simply to listen. Offering a shoulder to lean on lets the person know they are not alone and that their feelings are valid. Make sure to actively listen, be engaged, and be present.

2. Offer Words of Encouragement

Encouraging and uplifting words can go a long way in helping someone feel better. Even simple phrases, like “You can do this” or “I believe in you,” can make a difference. Be genuine and compassionate in your responses, and remember that sometimes, it’s more about how you say it than what you say.

3. Share Positive Stories and Experiences

Everybody loves a good story. In moments of despair, it can be incredibly comforting to hear about someone else who has faced similar challenges and triumphed. Share your own experiences if you can, or even stories of inspirational figures. This can help them find hope in their situation and encourage them to keep pushing forward.

4. Suggest Practical Support

Sometimes, the most effective way to help someone is by easing their practical burdens. Offer to run errands, cook a meal, walk their dog, or just spend some quality time together. These small acts can make a significant difference in how someone feels during their low moments.

5. Celebrate Small Victories

In dark times, it’s essential to recognize and celebrate the small triumphs and victories that may otherwise be overlooked. This can help boost the person’s confidence and remind them of their own abilities and worth.

6. Encourage Self-Care and Mindfulness

When it comes to lifting someone up, it’s important not to forget about self-care. Encourage the person to practice mindfulness through meditation, journaling, or taking regular breaks. Help them establish a self-care routine that works for them and aids in their emotional and mental well-being.

In Conclusion: Our Positive Impact on One Another

We all have the power to positively impact each other’s lives, even in the most challenging times. By being a good listener, offering words of encouragement, sharing positive stories, providing practical support, celebrating small victories, and encouraging self-care, we can lift up those around us who may be at their lowest. Remember, focusing on the good in others and ourselves can make a world of difference.

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Time Time Ticking

Ticking away…Don Henley wrote “Time time ticking, ticking away.” Pink Floyd also wrote about time, “Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day…”. Jackson Browne wrote in the song The Pretender, “They say in the end its the wink of an eye”

As I sit here I was thinking how sporting events let me know also how quickly the time goes. Super Bowl time? Bye bye January. Daytona 500 completed? means good-bye to February! March? It must be the TPC in Ponte Vedra… Stay with golf, The Masters? Adios April… May will bring us the Indy 500 and on and on and on…all the way until we do it again, if we are lucky.

Time, that one commodity that we all have equal amounts of. Nobody gets 25 hours in a day or 62 seconds in a minute. One amount for all. No exceptions to THAT rule…it is what you do with it that counts. How do you balance your world of time? How do you generate all of the things you need in your time?

Most people head right to earning, money and acquiring wealth when it comes to time. I bet that was in the back of your mind when you started reading this, it actually was in the back of mine when I started writing it. Things change. Time changes us.

How much time, quality time, did you spend with your children this week? As much as you did at work? How much quality time did you spend with your parents, your siblings? Did your daughter call and you said you were too busy to talk? We all get the same amount of time, no exceptions to that rule, right? How do you utilize yours?

How much time did you spend improving your health this week? Today? Yesterday? Last month? Could you take five minutes and do 30 push ups? 5 push ups? If you did would you be better off than if you didn’t? Why? Why not?

What compels a parent to tell a child, “I don’t have time to talk”, and then goes back to watching their recorded Netflix show that they have been binge watching for five years? You can go back and watch that recorded show later, your child will only be that exact age on that day ONCE…TIME, a commodity we all share equally! I should add, in the moment, because not all of us get the same amount over a lifetime.

May 10th, 2023! Time! There was a tv show on from 1957 to 1962, The Tales of Wells Fargo, I was too young to remember it or watch it. I found it on INSP channel, and have perused a few episodes, fun and nostalgic. What startled me is to see when the first showing ran of each episode. Dates like 5/07/57 or 6/24/57…the first is 2 days after my now deceased sister Cathy had her 8th birthday. The other is 49 years to the day before I married my wife… TIME

Today I am going to think about time and how I use it. I get the same amount you do, I need to do a better job of utilizing it. To find the correct blend of work, family, health and my time. The correct blend for me, that is important, it is YOUR use of YOUR time. MY use of MY time. We all get the same amount, use it wisely!


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Changes – Options – Growth

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”

Albert Einstein

As we wander, or wonder, through life, it can be the simple daily routines that can challenge us the most. As I read people’s pages, their blogs, hear the podcasts and talk with others, there are some very ritual daily actions that are most confounding to humans. Things like, sleep, or diet, or relationships.

In today’s reality we have so much information at our fingertips, our problem now is to believe it or not. There was a time in our life that we had to search for solutions, and there were no engines to search on. Library, asking questions of people, those were our search engines then. Either that or experimenting ourselves, trying new techniques, doing our own analysis.

Look, I will be blunt. If you cannot sleep, you are overweight or you are not coming close to fulfilling your dreams? There is not magical pill, it is called CHANGE. Why do you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect things to change? Really? That is your reason? You have options and your growth can be in your own hands, you have to do SOMETHING and make it something different than what you have been doing…

Just look at what you do each night before bed. What do you eat? What time? Do you watch electronic visuals? Do you know what the blue light does to your sleeping? What are other people doing? How do others calm themselves? There are a ton of people out there that share their success, read and research, you can find a solution. Try something different.

This comes directly from WebMD.

“It’s safe to say most of us spend a lot of time staring at screens. And that can be bad for our eyes. Blue light from electronics is linked to problems like blurry vision, eyestrain, dry eye, macular degeneration, and cataracts. Some people have sleep issues.

I was talking with a medical professional the other day, and they told me to try solutions for 60-90 days to see if you make progress. If you have trouble sleeping, shut off the electronics early in the evening and do that for 60-90 days, see if you get improvement.

Weight loss? Do something different. Salt, sugars, fats, fried foods, alcohol all can be a cause. I am not a doctor, nor a specialist, so my suggestions may not be the correct solution, just try something different. I stopped eating breads, curbed alcohol and changed my eating times. All of this seemed to help me. What you eat, when you eat it and how much you eat are logical changes to make or at least try. Again, not one day, try it for 60-90 days. You are worth the effort.

I have a friend over 70 that looks like he could be in his fifties, very disciplined and shares often his way of keeping young. No alcohol eats before 7 and rides his bike almost every day. He also talks about the portions that he eats, more smaller meals and healthy snacks. He too stays away from breads.

Self-discipline is a big challenge for all of us. I have some of those habits that really challenge me. Snacks like crackers and nuts are a real tough one for me, especially if I am watching a show or reading. I tell myself that this can lead to my pants being tighter, shirts not looking right or my suits getting a little tight where they should not be. I will use a week of meditation sessions everyday aimed at that bad habit, it seems to help me be more disciplined, to NOT partake in those little annoying practices.

Bottom line, if you are struggling about some issues like sleep, weight or other daily functions like these, DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT, take action, try something different and try it for 2 or 3 months. It may help, it really can’t hurt.

You can make changes, there are options, and every positive step is growth. Search Median, search Quora and do not hesitate to go to WebMD or the Mayo Clinic’s website. Like I said earlier, you are worth it!

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Morning Ramblings

What a great way to start the day. Up early, time with Buffett, morning breakfast with coffee and time writing. Do some reading and make the day bounce into the world!

Some of the things that happen in life are not your fault, you cannot control how someone reads words you write or how they live their life…let it be, learn to walk away, you cannot change everyone…right? RIGHT! The ONLY person you can change is YOU!

I am not going to talk about any other people, who tripped my trigger does not matter. Just do you and your thing and do not worry about the rest…

Why do I write this? Because learning to manage our emotions can change our entire life. Truly. How we handle our reaction to a variety of different stimuli can make an entire life change. When we learn to control our emotions in every situation (Doable), we become a more intentional person who stays on track to their vision and goals…


Do The Best You Can


Work to improve who you are and invest in your own growth. It does not matter what, learn something today. How to build a better power point? How to use Excel? Learn a language? Do something today to improve YOU…

Make today a wonderful day, it is how we react to what happens that guides the day.

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Reading a book and the OJ case just came up, in a fiction book. Reminded me how that event was a big part in my life. NOT that the event was, what was going on IN MY LIFE , it just coincided with the OJ case.

In June of 1994 I was living and working in Southwest Michigan, WHFB was in Benton Harbor and we lived in Stevensville Twp., MI. The information highway was being built, but it was going slow. I found out on the morning of June 13, 1994 that there had been a murder and OJ’s name was involved somehow.

At the time my daughter was dealing with left over remnants of JRA, pain and testing were the norm. We had already made the decision to move, to move to Florida, that was not going well…

Imagine, October 3, 1995. The day that OJ was acquitted. What has taken place in that year and 4 months.

I found 2 partners. We bought a radio station in Ocala Florida. We moved the family to Ocala. My brother in law was in a jet ski accident, the Friday before Father’s Day 1995, and now was a quadriplegic.(Ironically we closed on the radio station the same day) I was about to turn 40, 4 days from then.

October 3, 1995

That day was quite remarkable in itself. I received a call at the office that the little chickens my daughter had bought for a project had got out and were running all around the porch behind our house. I went home from the office to take care of the situation, and did so, with A LOT of frustration. Somehow, while handling this chickadee caper, I locked myself out of the house with the keys inside. I figured out a way to crawl through a window and get back in, not an easy chore.

I decided to make some lunch and flipped on the TV, only ONE thing was on, OJ TRIAL. Verdict coming down, NOT GUILTY! I finished up lunch and needed to get back to the office. While stopped at the entrance/exit to our neighborhood, waiting to turn left, a car driven by a very young lady, crashed into the front of my white Toyota Camry. Destroyed! Nobody hurt, she was shook up and understandably so. We waited for her dad, the police and an ambulance to get there, she needed to be checked out, I was fine. I called my insurance company and the dealership that I was leasing the car from, I had it for less than a week. So this was my day.



Locked out

Window crawling

OJ acquitted

Car crash

Like I said, the OJ Trial had a part of my life, just all in the timing…

So many years ago, and today as I write this, Trump is indicted … oh the irony or lack thereof…maybe that is a subject matter for another day. Sometimes it is just good to get your thoughts out and let them hover for a few moments…down the road, they will be forgotten just like so many other things AND people…

Be your best always,


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Living What I Say

I had the great opportunity to live one of my posts today. One thing that I see people do often is beat themselves up over the decisions that they have made. Even little things that go on in the day to day life, we can get hung up on and the next positive thought will not load into our computer like minds. Today I got to live that.

The way my schedule has been the only day that I get the chance to play golf is Saturday morning. So far this year, that has not been a very consistent event in my life. Due to weather, family event or an event at our course, I have only played 3 times this year out of a possible 14 Saturdays .

Last night before bed I checked the weather, it appeared to be iffy. I had faith and hoped it would be good. When I awoke this morning my wife said “Its going to rain, you are not playing today, are you?” At that moment, I was beat. I said, “nope, staying home” The moment I took my dog out, I knew I made a mistake and it was too late times wise to turn it around. Even now at 3:34PM, we have had ZERO rain…I would have been done two hours ago!

This is where the teachings come in. My wife walked into the office this morning about 11:50, I was doing some reading. She said, “Today probably would have been a good day to play golf”, I said “Not a good day, a GREAT day”

Immediately my self talk went into the negative ionosphere. I was critical, condemned and I complained. I thought of what I was missing. I thought of how much I had looked forward to it. I thought of how next week is in question because of schedule and the following week I am out of town. As I wallowed in my self pity and sarcastic shots at my decision making, it hit me, what the heck are you doing?

Immediately I stopped. I went to my meditation apps and listened to a couple of different 3-7 minute pieces.

One of them is that we can believe whatever we think. For example, if you tell yourself you will never be successful, your body will believe it. The opposite is true, if you tell yourself that you are already successful, your body will believe that too.

I kept telling myself that I made a terrible decision, my body believed it and all I could dow was regret, regret, regret. That made me feel down, defeated and depressed. A missed opportunity.. So after the meditations, I changed my thought to, good decision, your body needed the rest. What a difference. I found every reason why my body needed that rest and why going out to play golf would have been a terrible decision.

Change your thoughts, change your emotions…and have a better day.

I started to look at all of the things I could accomplish. How much writing and studying I could get in. I sent notes to a dozen people telling them how much I appreciate them and what they mean to me. I gave them evidence for each thing I said so that they knew it was sincere and thought out. I completed a couple of projects around the house, I played with my dog, Buffett, she enjoyed the attention and love. I chatted with my son, my daughter making plans with each of them I touched base with a business associate that is going to have a BIG impact on our franchise and its future. I connect with a couple of our current participants in class, answered their questions and let them know how much I appreciated their attitude.


I will go next week.

This weekend was healing, touching, lifting and catching up. It was the perfect Saturday and gave me ample time to reflect on my mom and dad. Always a good thing to do.

In summary, there are enough people who want to tear you down, be your own biggest cheerleader and support your decisions. What happened cannot change, prepare for what you CAN change…

Best to you!


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Twitter, Choices, Truth and More

Brain dump day! Probably should have gone and played golf, was a looooong week and a lot of travel, I needed a day to let my body rest. Never really thought I would hear myself say that ‘let my body rest’ but there it is. I have always been a “Push through everything” type of person, body just said “NO WAY” today.

Many years ago, I enjoyed the opportunity to debate, argue or get my opinion out in the open. I would do whatever it took to make my point heard. Today, I am a different person, happier, calmer and a much better listener. I would like to think that I have evolved instead of just getting older.

Now Twitter does challenge my patience. I use twitter for a variety of reasons, the foremost being interacting with other Detroit sports fans. Living 20 hours from my hometown, I missed those interactions. Where I run into problems is when I read too much and start letting people’s opinions about other subject’s filter into my brain.

Hence the purpose of the title of this post.

There are certain subjects that I try to avoid on social media and that is because there is not a winner in those debates. Politics being number one! You are not going to change another person’s view about what their beliefs are. The road on social media to politics only seems to divide friendships. You have to choose, is the friendship more important than your own political views?

Another topic that jumps up a lot on SM is personal choices or habits. Smokers, drinkers, vaccinated, non-vaccinated, meat lovers, vegetarians and other personal choices are subject matter to criticism and ridicule by the ‘holier than though’ individuals online. As a matter of fact, and speaking of ‘holier than though’, religion too is a topic that spurs much volatility on SM.

I stopped following quite a few people this week and some of those I blocked. Not that all of them got under my skin, I just decided that the subject matters that they like to delve in do not get me closer to my vision or my peace. It is important that we work towards our dreams, towards our visions and to our peace. Which in effect brings more peace to those around us.

Brain dump! Hard to stay focused, a reflection of what goes in in our heads at times. I am there now, just so many stimuli hitting my thoughts at once.

I decided that I had a choice to make with twitter, I had the chance to decide what I wanted to read and what I didn’t. I had the choice to make of who I wanted to tolerate and who I did not. Some people teach us many things every day. I have a few friends like that. They teach us things because of their intelligence, and they teach us things because of their opinions. We learn from their actions and writings, plus their inability to hold back with their emotions.

People are so quick to be critical, that is such an incredible go to habit. To throw their opinion out like that is just like a second nature.

Most of the bullies on Twitter, IMHO, are very insecure. Want to dish it out and be cute, when you point out their fallacy they block you. Which is fine with me. I try to lift others up and I guess some folks do not like that.

One guy this week took a shot at me over a post, and when I politely allowed him to save face, he loaded up his gun with his trademark sarcastic bullying, and took another shot. I did not lash out, just asked him to re-read the initial post again, another chance to let him save face…nope, he blocked me. Which is fine, because I probably would have done the same back if he took another shot…

This was a prime example of someone being caught in the act of trashing someone to build their own self up. Most people on twitter either take it or go right to the block. I chose to practice our principles. This guy also loves to comment, with immense opinion, on politics (Far far left) music (Enjoyed his taste in the variety of what he liked) and literature. In each area he was the most definite authority on the subject, just ask him! Nobody knew more!

I heard a good talk on leadership yesterday. The gentleman mentioned that the person who showed rudeness, arrogance and selfishness lacked the qualities of leadership. I thought about this guy when I heard that.

Some people do not like the truth. There was a guy, again on twitter, that always had such a well written response to many different types of posts. I was very impressed, very bright in many different subject matters. One day he had commented on a post that interested me, so I searched the engines to find out more. Started reading the Wikipedia coverage of the subject when I read the EXACT thing that he posted. I did some investigating. I looked at 10 tweets that he commented on with fantastic info, 9 of them were cut and paste from Wikipedia. Ha ha. Smart guy. I sent him a private message about it. He blocked me, TRUTH, he did not like it. Yes, I could have let it slide, why?

I read a quote from Sigmund Freud : “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility”

I see that a lot in people, when challenged by something like the truth, accountability or responsibility, they wilt. They shutdown. They become critical or search to find fault in the other person. Their response is not to learn or consider, it is to defend and attack.

I’ve been taught, when wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. (Dale Carnegie Principle) Also, when wrong, search out the information so that you can learn. How? Ask questions, listen and be curious. Have a desire to want to improve. Much different than defend and attack. One of my nephews once told me that I was “Weak” because of that trait. (He is an attack attack person) It is so easy to react with emotion, tougher to work for a solution that is good for both or all concerned. I do not see it as weak.

“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility”

In some of the topics above I notice this is a trait of some. I see it in workshops, some of the people who do a good portion of the complaining in companies, are also, when given the opportunity for responsibility, the ones who shuck it off. Why? I am not sure. Lack of self belief? Insecure? Strong beliefs? The era they were raised? More socialistic than capitalistic?

The last part I see a lot in the area of media from my generation. You came out of the 60’s, the hippie years. Media was an interesting place, especially the written journalistic side, newspapers. Now you see these folks in their 60’s, careers have past them by and yet their beliefs have not. They again have a place to “Write” these things and “Publish” them. Social Media. Maybe they played a small part in their “Career jobs” and never got to be what they wanted to be, like a person that got to PUBLISH their OPINION and see it in print. So now they do it, and it is like they are vomiting 50 years of pent up political or opinionated frustrations, they just let it fly. Still do not like the “Man”, still tend to push away the chance to hold themselves responsible. I digress.

Like I said, this is a brain dump.

Done dumping.

In summary, lift others up. Do not let the insecurities of others or their bullying style make you harsh or bitter. Be you and be positive. Realize, the truth does not matter to some. Some people look at refusing responsibility as a badge of courage.

Thanks for reading my musings…


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One day that only happens one time. Today. What am I going to do with it? Will it be a good day? Will it be a bad day? Either way, it only happens one time.

I am not sure what today will bring to me, my family, my business or my world. I do know this, we have one chance and only one chance to experience today. 24 hours of April 5, 2023. That is all, no more and no less.

There will be births, there will be deaths, there will be sadness and there will be joy. One day in time, one day in history and it is served to you on a platter to be lived in the way that you choose to live it. You cannot control what others will do, what the weather will be or for the most part, what happens. What you CAN control is what you DO and how you react to WHAT happens.

Therefore I encourage you to MAKE IT A GREAT DAY! See if you can, see if you can take whatever happens, and stay in control of your emotions and make today the best day YOU can make it.

Here are a four things I am doing today to guide myself in the best way I can:

Meditation – to calm my emotions and gain focus

Eat healthy – I control that and it leads to a better tomorrow

Lift others up – Putting a smile on their face puts one on mine too

Do the best I can do – Expectations of others aside, do YOUR best daily

We have more control of our days than we think because we control the one thing that truly matters 100% of the time and that is how we react to the stimulus around us.

Make it a great day!


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Things I Buy Too Much Of

I believe we all have our own little idiosyncrasies, true? There are those moments when we wonder aloud to ourselves on why we do what we do. Or at least I do. Same goes for me with all of the things that I have that are duplicates or the “Latest and greatest”.

Here is my story and some of the things that I just buy too often.


I am addicted, plus I do a great job of taking care of them, so they never break or get lost. Which means, yes, I have WAY too many! BOSE is not my favorite company; I have been treated unfairly by them in the past and yet I might be one of their better customers.

It started with the Soundwave in the early 90’s. I was running a radio station in Benton Harbor, Michigan and Bose was doing a campaign with certain stations and we were one. We had Soundwaves to give away on the air, plus the rep gave one to me. It was the BEST radio that I had ever had. A bit big, but the sound was awesome.

Over the years I purchased another one for my parents and another for myself. The original one eventually gave up after years of playing. I also purchased headphones, soundbars, in home systems and more. Bose was my “Go to” brand for anything that was music inclined. My wife has benefited from this also, because when I buy for me, I usually buy for her too. Noise cancelling earbuds? We both have them. Multiple pairs too!

My biggest problem is that I take care of them. I should probably shed some of them. The Beats could go, I do not use them anymore and I have a couple of pair of them. Maybe I will sell them or give them away.


Sunglasses are another one of those things that I buy way too many pairs of. I am a sucker for new sunglasses, again, the problem is that I take very good care of them. I know that some of my sunglasses are over 20 years old! Why do I need more? I don’t and that is the point. Stop! Stop buying them! I like them. Here again, I could shed a few pair, Ray Ban, Oakley and Maui Jim are the main brands. Anybody want to buy used sunglasses? Too funny!


Bags, backpacks, briefcases and the like. Me? Way too many! Guess what, here too I just take good care of them. I buy leather, canvas and other styles. Small medium and large, any size works for me. Many different brand names, though Waterfield seems to be what I have the most of. A very good company with a quality product and an intriguing marketing team. Does the trick when it comes to me.

I probably could sell off some of these too, and again, I take very good care of them. I clean the leather often, and add a drop of oil to zippers also. I have a LOT of STUFF! I have WAY too much STUFF! I do not have enough stuff to fill up all of the bags I have purchased over the years.

That is probably my top 3, Headphones/Speakers, Sunglasses and Bags. There is a sucker born every minute and for those products I rank at the top. The clutter in my office is obnoxious and the money that I have spent is stupid, I will say though that my ability to take care of the things I buy compounds that problem, if I was not that way it would be easier to get rid of them.

What are the things that clutter your world? What are the things that you just buy too much of? What effect does this have on your world/life? If any.

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